West Falls Revisited by D. H. Schleicher | #5Star #BookReview | #PsychologicalFiction #Generational #Mystery #Thriller @SchleicherSpin

West Falls Revisited by D. H. Schleicher | #5Star #BookReview | #PsychologicalFiction #Generational #Mystery #Thriller @SchleicherSpin

Book Details

West Falls Revisited by D. H. Schleicher | #5Star #BookReview | #PsychologicalFiction #Generational #Mystery #Thriller @SchleicherSpinWest Falls Revisited by D H Schleicher
Published by Independent on June 25, 2024
Genres: Dark Humor, Fiction / Small Town & Rural, psychological Fiction
Format: eBook, Paperback
Pages: 244

Pieced together by a master storyteller, comes a mosaic of a small town in crisis...

In the fall of 2019, when a drifter returns to his hometown of West Falls and winds up dead, the long-buried skeletons of the town’s residents are unearthed. His body is found in the exact spot where in the summer of 1993 the body of a young boy, Robbie Elms, was discovered. Memories of Robbie’s life and the aftermath of his brutal murder come flooding back, leaving many in town retraumatized by the past, while others stare down an uncertain future with a global pandemic just around the corner. Meanwhile, Robbie’s long-lost sister, Laurel Elms, finds herself returning home from abroad just as everything reaches a boiling point.

Spanning multiple generations and varied points-of-view, West Falls Revisited paints a portrait of a town coming apart at the seams just when it needs to come together the most. Will the residents find a way to move forward, or will they forever be pulled down by their own demons?

A reckoning of past, present, and future awaits.

Source: Kindle Unlimited, Received from the author or publisher for review.

Author’s Content Notice:

This novel covers difficult subject matter, and over the years, the residents of West Falls are directly impacted by events such as the Catholic Church sexual scandal, the COVID pandemic, and an array of other violent acts, illnesses, and trauma. The depictions deal more with the psychological impacts rather than dwelling on overtly graphic details, and some characters still find glimmers of hope through the darkness.

To my potential readers, above all, be kind to and protect yourselves. Make your decision to enter the town of West Falls accordingly.

Note from the author:

Thank you for your interest in visiting the town of West Falls.

Originally started in early 2019 as my long-gestating “mosaic of a small town” novel, West Falls Revisited, was completely upended midstream by the global pandemic. The new, evolving, and terrifying backdrop for the contemporary portions of the novel added layers of drama, trauma, and conflict for the town’s residents. It wasn’t just the past but now also the future they had to contend with.

I hope you can find reflections of yourself and your experiences during this recent history we all shared as you visit West Falls.

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Purchase Links for West Falls Revisited

West Falls Revisited
  • Amazon Kindle Edition
  • Schleicher, D. H. (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 244 Pages - 06/25/2024 (Publication Date) - West Falls Publishing (Publisher)

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My thoughts on West Falls Revisited

Secrets may be long-buried, yet they are never forgotten. “West Falls Revisited” is the story of a small town about to discover that truth.

I absolutely loved this latest book from D.H. Schleicher. That’s the most important statement of this review. The next point is that I can’t believe how hard it was to organize my thoughts and get them on paper.

Why is it that many times, the stories we love the most are the most difficult reviews to write? Perhaps it’s because we aren’t quite ready to leave that fictional world yet. I want to know more about their lives and be assured that all will continue to be well with the friends I made in West Falls.

I am always intrigued by Schleicher’s novels. He has a talent for transforming everyday events into something dark, mysterious, and unique. His novel, West Falls Revisited, is a testament to his skills. The reader is never quite sure what lies around the bend in this master storyteller’s mind.

It is essential that the characters be distinctly portrayed as the story is told from multiple points of view. The plot’s twists and turns keep you guessing until the last page. My suspects changed frequently depending on which point of view I was reading. The perfect pace drew me in and kept me reading long into the night.

The mystery begins with Elizabeth and continues through Laurel and Robbie. Hap, Amie, and Pete are constant presences that add to the mystery while weaving their own endearing story arcs. Yet, in the end, the story circles back to Elizabeth and Laurel, hopefully, both finding the peace they deserve.

This story took me through all the emotions. I laughed at times and cried a few times. But, most importantly, I enjoyed “West Falls Revisited” more than any other Schleicher book I’ve read, which is saying a lot. (find my reviews of previous novels here.)

My ultimate takeaway from this fabulous tale is that many solitary threads can be woven together to create a beautiful, intriguing story. Robbie’s death touches the lives of so many people in West Falls and beyond.

I recommend West Falls Revisited to lovers of mind-bending mysteries and modern psychological fiction. It’s challenging to categorize a Schleicher tale into a specific genre, but I have a feeling that if you give it a try, you’ll love it.

Unless otherwise noted, all books are from my personal library or Kindle Unlimited.

This review is my honest, unbiased opinion.


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I love to read books through my  Amazon Kindle Unlimited subscription


About D H Schleicher

D H Schleicher at the Shakespeare & Company bookstore in Paris

Who is D H Schleicher?

I am an independent author, blogger, and film enthusiast from the South Jersey suburbs of Philadelphia, where I live with my wife (also a blogger among other greater things) and son, and plot travel as much as I plot stories when not immersed in my other career in the corporate world.

My new collection of literary and speculative fiction, WHEN WE COME BACK, was released in January of 2023. My preceding collection, AND THEN WE VANISH, explores characters longing to disappear or left behind by those who already have. My historical thriller, THEN CAME DARKNESS, plumbs the depths of greed, revenge, and family dysfunction during the Great Depression.

Additionally, my writing has appeared in A Million and One Magazine, Underground VoicesScratch, Eunoia Review, LitNoir, and Wonders in the Dark.

My influences are many from the world of literature, film, and beyond, which you can learn about by clicking through the pages of my blog.


More D. H. Schleicher Reviews

Then Came Darkness 

And Then We Vanish

When We Come Back: More Stories


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Authors, especially independent authors, depend on the kindness of their readers to spread the word about their books. They don’t have large publicity firms to put their work in front of readers. So it’s up to us, as readers and fans, to help promote the stories we like. If you read books from your local library, leave a review somewhere. Many sites allow you to leave a review, even if you didn’t purchase the book from them. Goodreads, Storygraph, and social media are other possible places to leave your thoughts about the book. 

It doesn’t have to be wordy or even glowing. The things one dislikes about a book may be the exact thing the next reader is looking for. All reviews are critical to the future of books we love to read.

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Posted 07/17/2024 by Gina in Book Promotions, Book Reviews, Books / 2 Comments

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2 responses to “West Falls Revisited by D. H. Schleicher | #5Star #BookReview | #PsychologicalFiction #Generational #Mystery #Thriller @SchleicherSpin

  1. Thank you so much for coming along with me on my journey as an author over the years. Knowing my words and characters can resonate and connect with someone in this way makes it all worth it.